net art, video, performance

Annie Abrahams

douter de sa perception d’autrui / doubting the presence of the other

(FR) A la suite de la session Distant Movements #9, Muriel Piqué, dans son texte Entre Imaginaire et empathie / Between the Imaginary and Empathy, parle du doute de sa perception d’autrui, d’une altérité qui lui, en tant que danseuse et chorégraphe, était jusqu’alors inconnue.

(ENG) After the session Distant Movements # 9 Muriel Piqué, in her text Entre Imaginaire et empathie / Between the Imaginary and Empathy, speaks of her doubting perception of the others, of an otherness which to her, as a dancer and choreographer, was previously unknown.

(FR) Non seulement je perds toute notion du temps, mais je perds également toute représentation de moi-même.

(ENG) Not only do I lose all sense of time, but I also lose all representation of myself. I no longer clearly distinguish reality, I enter a mental space between the imaginary and feeling.

(FR) Lorsque je ressens ou crois ressentir le flux du mouvement de l’autre : est-ce que je ressens réellement de l’empathie pour cet autre corps en mouvement ou bien est-ce que je l’imagine ?

(ENG) When I feel or think I feel the flow of the other’s movement: do I really feel empathy for this other moving body or do I imagine it?

(FR) Je ne distingue plus clairement la réalité, j’entre dans un espace mental entre imaginaire et ressenti. Je sais que je ne suis pas seule dans cet espace mental …

(ENG) I no longer clearly distinguish reality, I enter a mental space between the imaginary and feeling. I know that I am not alone in this mental space …

(FR) Les yeux fermés, je suis à l’écoute du prolongement de la guidance partagée. Et je pressens parfois même le prolongement de notre danse, à moins que je ne l’imagine…

(ENG) With my eyes closed, I am listening to the extension of the shared guidance. And I sometimes sense the extension of our dance, unless I imagine it …


Est-ce qu’elle répond à Célia Bonnet-Ligeon, qui dans son article En VR, on reconnaît son corps dans celui de l’autre, parle de Distant Movements ? Célia y visite des projets VR et se demande:

Alors que manque-t-il à la réalité virtuelle pour qu’elle soit autre chose qu’un divertissement, qu’une sensation renouvelée de notre propre corps ? …. Pourquoi associer la commensalité à la réalité virtuelle ?

Filed under: networked performance, Performance, Research, Virtual Reality, , , , , , , ,

VR – performance – residency.

Wh(o/at) arranges When. / Qu(o)i agence Quand.

I had the lucky occasion to discover VR during a residency December 4-9 2017 and January 30 – February 10 2018 in the Labo NRV, invited by Les Subsistances, Lyon.

combi2More images on flickr.
Information en français.

I had never used a VR headset and so in the first week Olivier Bienz, a student, showed and brought me into different universes as The Lab (Steam), Google Earth, VRchat, Tilt Brush as well as some he or his fellow students made himself. He also showed me Unity 3D, a game development platform, used to create VR worlds and thus we created my first VR landscape together. At the same time Célia Bonnet-Ligeon, the lab’s coordinator organised meetings for me with local organisations like UrbanLab (ERASME), Eydolon and Nucléus, who all generously showed me their expertise.
I also met the researchers of the laboNRV and students of ENSBA Lyon. We talked, tested the VR headset while carrying the wearer, putting her upside down. It was and hilarious, and energizing and inspiring for all of us and so I decided to continue to work with them.
I was impressed by how simple it was to create an illusion of a landscape in the headset by using Unity’s basic terrain and drawing tools and how that influenced my imagination. I remembered David Markson’s book Wittgenstein’s Mistress and started to write some text that I could use in between the short modules (4 – 5) of what should become a collective performance, developed in the last week of the residency.

Video trailer by Guillaume Seyller. 6.58 min.

Wh(o/at) arranges When. / Qu(o)i agence Quand. A performance by Annie Abrahams with Valentin Godard, Guillaume Seyller, Johanne Mortgat, Keywa Henri, Arthur Jamon, Laetitia Dangelade and Elisa Baron.

– a stage – a computer – a VR headset – unity + steam – a video projector + large screen – two joysticks – two sensors – a standing microphone – 50 chairs – two tables – a blindfold – sound amplification – diffuse light + a spot –

We had no repetition, only tests and trainings. I have spend two days with the students to familiarize them with the tool, and to have them explore its limits and possibilities. To discover what kind of relationship with the body and the imagination, it can produce.
We worked with and in VR, not for VR.
We explored VR space from the inside and from the outside, and discovered an in-between.

Protocol .pdf + notes and text. (in French)
How it was announced.  (in French)

Vide – ligne – paysage – couleur – éclair. Sound by Jan de Weille. (command)

This is what I formulated as a starting point for this artistic research in Oct. 2017 :
Where are we in VR space? In what is called Third Space? or in a liminal space? and is it important to know where we are?
Is the “I” still important in there, and how do we meet an other? What other ? How far are we giving up control? How far do we dissolve, get lost? Who arranges what? And what relationship to our body can we have, do we have?
Could a VR experience become like an intractive entanglement training?

“It is.”, I can answer now, as long as you search for what it is build of, how it is experienced from the inside as well as from the outside, together and with others.

Filed under: Event, Performance, Virtual Reality, , , , , , ,


Distant Feelings with Daniel Pinheiro - yearly reconnection eyes closed no talking.

Utterings with Constança Carvalho Homem PT, Nerina Cocchi BE/IT, Curt Cloninger USA en Daniel Pinhiero PT

Constallationsss with Alice Lenay, Pascale Barret, Alix Desaubliaux et occasionellement Gwendoline Samidoust, Carin Klonowski.

Distant Movements with Muriel Piqué and Daniel Pinheiro.

(E)stranger. Research on What language does to you or not.

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Annie Abrahams